Author: Elena Davis

If you are a tech-savvy person, then maybe we have something in common. My name is Elena Davis, and I love everything technology. Testing new wearable technology products and review them is one of my favorite things. I’m contributing my 10+ years experiences in product reviewing for multiple digital brands and companies.

The Smartphone brought a revolution with it. But the smart bracelet made it even better. A smart bracelet allows you to access your phone without actually touching it. It shows you calls, texts, and can help you keep track of all the data you need. Also, it can monitor your health! Therefore, smart bracelets have become quite the rage these days. However, you can only make the best use of your bracelet if you take care of it. Being an electronic device, a vital part of the smart bracelet is its battery. You must charge it regularly for the right…

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Don’t you just hate it when your Fitbit device becomes a headache instead of a problem solver it was meant to be? No doubt about it. You own a Fitbit device because you so desire to keep fit and track your activities. Fitbit is worth considering because it offers many features with great performances. Talking about one of the best friendly fitness trackers, Fitbit has made a name for itself. But because the fitness tracker device is made of elastomer materials, it can experience electrical or mechanical issues at any point in time. One of those issues is when your…

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Your Fitbit device can suddenly stop working, and when it does, you don’t have to lay it low. A simple restart can bring your Fitbit up and running. So, in this article, you will learn everything there is to restarting a Fitbit device.  Profile is the personal page of the user on Users can access their profile by logging in to their account and view their personal information, points history, uploads, and downloads. Users can also edit their profile settings, such as their username, password, email, and notifications. But before we go ahead with how to restart a Fitbit,…

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